Life After WordPress Installation
The August beginners track addressed how to actually use the WordPress functions to structure site navigation and how to begin building the site with the end in mind. We reviewed how to use Categories and Tags to build the ‘silo’ navigation structure and linking stategy to give the search engine spiders clear and distinct paths to follow to improve search engine rankings. The session closed with how to use a site maintenance schedule to keep your online business on track and making money.
Class outline:
Developing a site map/plan based on the purpose of the site.
How to set up a site structure to match the plan
Explaining dash board features and functions
Delineating the difference between a page and a post.
How and why to use tags and categories/sub categories
Why Silo content / how it effects search engine indexing
Site maintenance schedule
To view the PowerPoint Presentation, go to:
I will post the sitemap plugins we talked about in the next post.
H. Sandra Chevalier- Batik, Pleiades Publishing Services