WordPress for Business:
Central and West Austin Locations
The Austin WordPress Group has added two new WordPress Meetups. WordPress for Business: Central and West Austin locations will focus on WordPress for Small Business. Our goal is to help you build your business and the web presence that represents that business with WordPress.
These meetups will explore WordPress as a content management system for small business websites, and show attendees how to set up their WordPress site to accomplish their business goals. Your WordPress site should be the digital manifestation of your business plan. The tools WordPress offers even a beginning user lets them craft a site that lets visitors know who you are, what your business does, how it benefits them and why they should do business with you.
WordPress sites offer a straightforward, consistent user interface to setup and make changes to your site. WordPress has put the power of control back in the hands of the business owner. The facility and ease of use that WordPress offers to the business owner gives us to power of acting at the speed of now.
Future WordPress for Business Meetups will discuss how to use WordPress to expand the marketing network that introduces products and services to new customers; and demonstrate the plugins that help owners and managers of business sites to implement and successful manage a sane approach to SEO and social media. The small business members who attend these meetups will drive the presentation topics. We will survey the attendees of both the Central and West Austin Location attendees and build our presentation calendar.

Founder, Posh Co-Working Lounge
The Central Austin WordPress for Business location will meet the second Monday of the month. Blossom Braemer, founder of Posh Co-Working Lounge generously donated the venue to support the WordPress Community with an additional meeting space. Blossom has also agreed to join the Austin WordPress Co-Organizing team to take the lead on this new Business Focused WordPress Meetup.
The West Austin WordPress For Business location will meet the third Monday of the month and will be held at the Austin Baptist Church on the West side of town (7016 Ribelin Ranch Dr, Austin, TX 78750). Bobby Brooks joined the Austin WordPress Co-Organizing team and has taken the lead to develop this new WordPress for Business Meetup in cooperation with the Four Points Chamber of Commerce. The Church’s meeting room will easily accommodate larger groups.
The Inaugural Meeting of WordPress for Business West will be posted to our Meetup page later this week.
For our Inaugural February meetups the presentation will be the same for both locations.
Nick Batik will lead a discussion demonstrating the implementation of WordPress as a business tool, along with a set of business focused plugins, and processes.
After that, group surveys will determine the WordPress for Business topics to be presented at each location.
I want to personally thank both Blossom and Bobby for stepping forward to support our Austin WordPress Community with their time and willingness to initiate a business-centric WordPress subgroup of the Austin WordPress Meetup.
We hope to soon have additional venues in South and East Austin.
Specifically we need a venue for our WordPress intermediate level members. Our Hands-On WordPress meetup was originally designed for those new to WordPress. In the past two years those members are now past the entry level discussions, but not yet ready to go to the First Tuesday WP Developers meetup. We need a meetup venue to meet the needs our intermediate members, because we have so many members who are new to WordPress we must start to address the topics they will find helpful at the Hands-On fourth Tuesday meetup.
To make that happen we need our members to scout, suggest and contact suitable venues in these locations. All we need to set a new Austin WordPress meetup is a venue that seats 25 or more, with good WIFI access, and safe parking area.
If you haven’t filled out your survey, please do so now, we really need your input. Thanks.