Add yourself as an admin user
wp user create myusername --role=administrator --user_pass='password'
Quickly reset a list of user passwords
wp user list
wp user update user1 user2 --user_pass='password'
Correct URLs after DB migration
wp option update siteurl ''
wp option update home ''
wp search-replace '' ''
Generate MySQL prompt
wp db cli
Regenerate thumbs
wp media regenerate
Convert to subdomain multisite install
wp core multisite-convert --title='My Network' --subdomains
Update the title for page with slug ‘about’
wp post list --pagename=about
wp post update <post ID> --post_title='New Title'
Update ‘Mood: Happy’ to ‘Mood: Sad’ for the same page, without knowing the name of the field
wp post meta list <post ID>
wp post meta update <post ID> my_mood 'Sad'
Remove unneeded themes
wp theme list
wp theme delete themename1 themename2
Toggle state of plugins ( active / inactive )
wp plugin toggle plugin1 plugin2
Create new empty child theme
wp scaffold child-theme <slug> --parent_theme=<slug> [--theme_name=<title>] [--author=<full-name>] [--author_uri=<uri>] [--theme_uri=<uri>] [--activate]
wp scaffold child-theme my-child --parent_theme=genesis --theme_name='My Child' --author='Pat Ramsey' --author_uri= --theme_uri= --activate